Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin

Timeline of Teachings

  1. June 28, 1943
  2. January 01, 1951
  3. January 01, 1968
  4. December 22, 1969
  5. March 01, 1971
  6. September 01, 1971
  7. May 01, 1972
  8. June 01, 1974
  9. October 01, 1974
  10. March 25, 1976
  11. August 01, 1976
  12. August 22, 1976
  13. September 03, 1976
  14. September 09, 1976
  15. October 14, 1976
  16. October 15, 1976
  17. February 25, 1977
  18. March 04, 1977
  19. March 11, 1977
  20. March 25, 1977
  21. April 01, 1977
  22. April 15, 1977
  23. May 04, 1977
  24. May 05, 1977
  25. May 21, 1977
  26. June 10, 1977
  27. July 09, 1977
  28. July 19, 1977
  29. July 29, 1977
  30. August 13, 1977
  31. August 22, 1977
  32. September 01, 1977
  33. September 02, 1977
  34. October 01, 1977
  35. October 10, 1977
  36. November 04, 1977
  37. December 25, 1977
  38. March 10, 1978
  39. March 17, 1978
  40. March 24, 1978
  41. April 08, 1978
  42. April 20, 1978
  43. May 05, 1978
  44. June 15, 1978
  45. June 27, 1978
  46. July 01, 1978
  47. July 02, 1978
  48. July 03, 1978
  49. July 20, 1978
  50. September 07, 1978
  51. November 16, 1978
  52. December 08, 1978
  53. February 04, 1979
  54. February 15, 1979
  55. February 24, 1979
  56. March 06, 1979
  57. March 10, 1979
  58. March 16, 1979
  59. March 22, 1979
  60. March 30, 1979
  61. April 10, 1979
  62. April 11, 1979
  63. April 25, 1979
  64. May 02, 1979
  65. May 10, 1979
  66. May 18, 1979
  67. June 14, 1979
  68. July 26, 1979
  69. August 05, 1979
  70. August 08, 1979
  71. September 28, 1979
  72. January 26, 1980
  73. January 30, 1980
  74. March 21, 1980
  75. June 01, 1980
  76. June 11, 1980
  77. June 16, 1980
  78. June 18, 1980
  79. July 05, 1980
  80. July 24, 1980
  81. September 20, 1980
  82. November 07, 1980
  83. December 24, 1980
  84. March 09, 1981
  85. May 02, 1981
  86. May 21, 1981
  87. July 01, 1981
  88. July 02, 1981
  89. July 24, 1981
  90. July 27, 1981
  91. December 24, 1981
  92. July 20, 1982
  93. August 18, 1982
  94. September 03, 1982
  95. September 24, 1982
  96. January 16, 1983
  97. January 21, 1983
  98. February 04, 1983
  99. March 17, 1983
  100. March 22, 1983
  101. July 01, 1983
  102. July 08, 1983
  103. July 10, 1983
  104. August 16, 1983
  105. October 10, 1983
  106. January 13, 1984
  107. April 28, 1984
  108. May 18, 1984
  109. May 25, 1984
  110. October 30, 1984
  111. December 29, 1984
  112. February 20, 1985
  113. March 01, 1985
  114. July 19, 1985
  115. September 17, 1985
  116. May 24, 1986
  117. May 30, 1986
  118. September 20, 1986
  119. January 15, 1987
  120. August 26, 1987
  121. October 29, 1987
  122. November 05, 1987
  123. November 12, 1987
  124. November 19, 1987
  125. November 20, 1987
  126. November 27, 1987
  127. December 02, 1987
  128. January 23, 1988
  129. February 18, 1988
  130. March 04, 1988
  131. March 18, 1988
  132. April 16, 1988
  133. April 23, 1988
  134. April 29, 1988
  135. January 17, 1989
  136. February 03, 1989
  137. February 01, 1990
  138. April 10, 1990
  139. May 01, 1990
  140. August 25, 1990
  141. August 30, 1990
  142. September 01, 1990
  143. September 05, 1990
  144. September 18, 1995
  145. September 19, 1998
  146. August 25, 2010
  147. August 25, 2015
  148. March 03, 2022
  149. March 05, 2022
  150. March 31, 2022
  151. August 27, 2022
  152. October 09, 2022
  153. November 19, 2022
  154. February 21, 2023
  155. August 25, 2023
  156. October 22, 2023
  157. December 03, 2023
  158. February 10, 2024
  159. March 17, 2024
  160. June 02, 2024
  161. August 22, 2024
  162. August 25, 2024
  163. August 26, 2024
  164. August 25, 2025
  1. Dedication and Orientation

    This is offered with love, appreciation and gratitude to Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and
    his Vajra Regent and dharma heir Ösel Tendzin, for the benefit of their present and future disciples, and all beings.

    Through hearing, seeing and contemplating these teachings of the Vidyadhara through his Vajra Regent,

    May we realize the essence of transmission from teacher to student.

    May we hold precious this seed planting of Vajrayana dharma and Shambhala vision in the West.

    Through their gestures and words, may we wake up on the spot.

    May we not become confused by spiritual materialism in any form.

    Now, practicing moment by moment until the end of this life and beyond, may we free all beings.


    1. Click on the right or left arrows to move forward or backwards, or use the arrow keys on your keyboard (faster).

    2. Click on the Table of Contents (TOC) for a list of all points by year.

    3. Or enter a search query (single whole word only for now). Results display in chronological order in the TOC format, where one can open any point found. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the results on the Timeline, or click search to again display the results. Clicking the circled x or the TOC label cancels the search and returns to the entire Table of Contents.

    A point on the Timeline may have associated photos, audio, video, transcripts, poems or calligraphies. Click the media type to display titles below, then click on a title to open it. Poems and transcripts open in new windows.

    Your support will sustain and improve it.

  2. Acknowledgments

    Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche, Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,
    Patrick Sweeney Trimé Lhawang, Lady Lila Rich.

    Major startup donors:
    Ms. Maryanne de Goede, Mrs. Patty Ronca, Mrs. Avilda Moses, Mr. Donn Tatum, Mrs. Terry Colosi, Mr. Edward Zaron, Mr. Martin Miller,
    Mr. Ravinder Rai.

    And many continuing donors

    Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Donna Holm, Dr. Joseph Parent, Mrs. Jacqueline Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas and Martha Espeset, Mr. Mike Smith,
    Mr. Edward Zaron.

    Software Developer
    Beezwax Datatools, Inc.

    Visualizer and Producer
    Mr. Robert Krupnick

    Boulder, Colorado 1988

  3. Table of Contents

    "Bodhicitta: Awakened Heart" Seminar "Beyond Territory" Seminar, four talks and two unpublished poems, "Boston Tea Party" and "Transportation" "Entering the Path of Enlightenment" Seminar, Shrine Blessing and "A Capitol Vision" and "Friendly Skies," two unpublished poems "Orphans of the Kagyü Lineage" Community Talk "Vision of the Mahayana" Seminar and "April Fool" a poem "Buddhist Practice in Everyday Life" Seminar and unpublished poem "Mangy Dog" "Beyond Aggression" Public Talk "Stepping Through an Open Doorway" Seminar, Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremonies, and "Redwood Claustophobia" and "Skol," two unpublished poems "Discipline and Delight" Public Talk and "Deluxe No 1," "Two Plus One" and "Whimsy Vineyard," three unpublished poems "Jewel Ornament of Liberation" Naropa Institute Summer Session Founders Course and four poems "Kindling the Flame of Enlightenment" Seminar "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar, Audio and Transcripts Community Talk Boulder: On Shambhala Training Refuge Vow Ceremony "Marpa: the Fruition of Mahamudra in Everyday Life" Seminar "Developing an Enlightened Attitude" Seminar "Protecting the Mind: Discipline Beyond Hope and Fear" Seminar audio and transcript Public Talk: Meeting of Two Minds Community Talk Montreal: The Three Yanas, and two unpublished poems: "Dumpling" and "Let's Try Another One" "Transforming Confusion into Wisdom" Seminar, Austin, "People and Ideas" TV Interview video, "Delight," a calligraphy from that visit, and "Nobody Knows" and "Yellow Rose," two unpublished poems On His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and photos
  4. Birth and Death

    The Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin was born Thomas Frederick Rich, Jr., to a working-class family in Passaic, New Jersey, on June 28, 1943. He passed into parinirvana on August 25, 1990, at the age of 47.

  5. Early Photo

    Date is approximate.

    Thomas Rich with his father
    Photographer unknown, June 01, 1951

    Date is approximate.

  6. Five Photos 1966-69

    Photos, portraits, a work photo, one with a close friend and a young portrait taken by a noted photographer.

    Circa 1968
    Photographer unknown,

    Circa 1969
    Photographer unknown,

    Physical Therapy Technician ID Card
    Photographer unknown,

    New York City

    Thomas Rich, then Narayana, with Ken Green, then Krishna, circa 1968
    Photographer unknown,

    In New York City
    Photo Robert Altman, with permission,

    circa 1966-68

  7. Photo with Swami Satchidananda, a book given to (then) Narayana, the front cover inscription, and a group photo before leaving for Los Angeles

    With Swami Satchidananda circa 1968
    Photographer unknown,


    Inscription to Narayana by Satchidananda
    Swami Satchidananda, December 22, 1969


    Book given to Narayana by Swami Satchidananda
    December 22, 1969


    Group photo

    New York City

  8. Meeting Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

    The earliest known letter from Thomas Rich to Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, written after their first meeting, circa February 1971. The Vidyadhara is said to have commented afterwords, "He has a heart of stainless steel."

    1971 Letter Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 01, 1971

    Date is approximate.
  9. Becoming the Dharma Heir

    In September of 1971 Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, asked Thomas Rich to be his dharma heir.

    Below is the inscribed inside cover of "The Jewel Ornament of Liberation,"given to him by the Vidyadhara at this meeting.

    The Vajra Regent describes this event in detail in a letter he wrote to 1980 Vajradhatu Seminary students, excerpted below. The whole letter is on the Timeline.

    Inside cover of "The Jewel Ornament of Liberation" with inscription
    Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, September 01, 1971

    Karmé Chöling

    Date is approximate.
    Excerpt from "How I met the Vajra Master," a letter written to participants of the 1980 Vajradhatu Seminary Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 21, 1980

    Paso Robles, California

  10. Family photo, Milwaukee Airport

    Thomas Rich, Lila Rich and their first child, Vajra, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on a family visit.

    Family Photo
    Photographer unknown, May 01, 1972

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  11. Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Narayana at Padma Jong

    Thomas Rich, then called Narayana, holding up a calligraphy just done by the Vidyadhara during the "Art in Everyday Life" seminar at Padma Jong. Padma Jong was a retreat center in Dos Rios, California, owned by the community for several years.

    Padma Jong Photo
    Photographer unknown, June 01, 1974

    Dos Rios, California

  12. Visit of H.H. XVI Gyalwa Karmapa to the United States 1974, video, calligraphy, letter, poem and photos

    The Vajra Regent made an immediate connection with His Holiness the Sixteenth Gyalwa Karmapa during his first visit to the United States, continuing and deepening through the Karmapa's passing into parinirvana in 1981.

    When the empowerment of Thomas Rich as Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin took place in 1976, the Karmapa added calligraphy of his own to the official proclamation.

    Below is a photo of the Vajra Regent with H.H. XVI Karmapa, and the Vidyadhara, with H.E. Jamgon Kontrul, one with Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche taken during the Karmapa's first visit to the United States in 1974, and other photos of His Holiness. There is also a poem written to him by the Vajra Regent after His Holiness' passing into parinirvana, an excerpt from the 1980 letter to seminary students recounting the spirit of that first visit, a brief video clip of a Q and A with the Vajra Regent on a famous teaching given by the Karmapa, and a calligraphy by the Vajra Regent evoking an aspect of the Karmapa Lineage.

    In a Japanese garden with His Holiness and the Vidyadhara
    photographer unknown,

    San Francisco, probably

    Exact date unknown.
    The Vajra Regent with His Holiness and the Vidyadhara.
    Photographer unknown,

    Date unknown.
    The Vajra Regent being greeted by His Holiness
    Photo Robert del Tredici,


    Exact date unknown - either 1974 or 1976.
    HHK with Flowers
    Photo George Holmes, October 01, 1974

    New York - perhaps

    Date is approximate.
    H. H. the 16th Karmapa and Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
    Photographer unknown,

    From the Vajra Regent's photo collection.
    Photo of H.H. the 16th Karmapa
    Photographer unknown,

    Given to the Vajra Regent by Mr. Mershoff.
    His Holiness with the Vidyadhara and Shibata Sensei
    Photo Blair Hansen,

    With H. E. Jamgon Kontrul Rinpoche
    Place and photographer unknown,

    "I Miss the Karmapa" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 03, 1987

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    A poem written about the Sixteenth Karmapa, His Holiness Rangjung Rikpe Dorje.

    Ösel Tendzin had a strong connection to His Holiness and said of him, “In this realm at this time, the Karmapa …exists as the mahakala, protecting us. Karmapa is not [merely] a person; Karmapa is the incarnation of enlightened mind. …The lineage holders, from Tilopa to the present day, are embodied in him. We should think very intensely that the Karmapa should return and manifest … because without him, the world is very sterile.”

    Published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006
    "Nothing Happens" Video clip from the Three-Yana Seminar Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 25, 1986

    Los Angeles, California

    A question and answer exchange between a student and the Vajra Regent describing the profound instruction the Vajra Regent received at the Karmapa's bedside a few days before he died in 1981.
    HO Calligraphy
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    Date and place of execution unknown.

    Calligraphy of a line from the Sadhana of Mahamudra, an essential practice of students of Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche written and compiled by him, the line in the calligraphy is by Mikyo Dorje, the 8th Karmapa.

    Excerpt from the 1980 seminary letter to students Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 21, 1980

    Paso Robles. California

    A recollection of the 1974 visit of His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa to the United States
  13. Community Talk Boulder

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    Community Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 25, 1976

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

  14. Photo Summer 1976

    Photo front and back, from the Vajra Regent's collection. Taken at Karma Dzong, 1111 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado.

    The Vajra Regent, then Thomas Rich, and Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
    Photographer unknown, August 01, 1976

    Karma Dzong, 1111 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado

    Date approximate
    Caption on back of photo
    Photographer unknown, August 01, 1976

    Karma Dzong, 1111 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colorado

    Date approximate
  15. Empowerment as Vajra Regent

    The Empowerment of Thomas Rich as Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin was conferred by Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, at Karma Dzong in Boulder, Colorado.

    It was the first time a Western student was empowered as a lineage holder in the Karma Kagyü Lineage.

    Below are transcripts, the proclamation calligraphy, two related poems, an audio excerpt and a slide show of the ceremony.

    "The Empowerment of Ösel Tendzin,” from Garuda V: Transcending Hesitation Vajradhatu Staff, January 01, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Remarks from the third talk of the The Three Lineages Vajra Assembly Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, used by permission, August 22, 1976

    Boulder, Colorado

    From "Collected Vajra Assemblies, Volume One," Vidyadhara the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche

    Halifax: Vajradhatu Publications, 1990, 81-83. Copyright © 1990 by Diana J. Mukpo. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
    Oath of Empowerment Transcript Vidyadhara the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, August 22, 1976

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    Proclamation of the Empowerment of the Vajra Regent by the Vidyadhara with additional text by His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa, and sealed by both
    Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and H.H. Karmapa XVI, August 22, 1976

    Boulder, Colorado

    "From the Glorious Realm of Vajradhatu" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 22, 1976

    Karma Chöling, Barnett, Vermont

    The first poem written by Ösel Tendzin after his empowerment on August 22, 1976.

    A few weeks after the event, he began a retreat at Karmê Chöling and composed this poem there on the one-month anniversary of his empowerment.

    Published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.
    "Infant Song of a Son of the Kagyü Guru" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 30, 1980

    Kalapa Court, Boulder, Colorado

    Poem, published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006
    Empowerment Ceremony Audio Excerpts
    Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, used by permission, August 22, 1976

    Karma Dzong, Boulder Colorado

    This recording begins with the chanting of the Heart Sutra by the assembled community, followed by the Vidyadhara's address, the invocation of the lineage, and reading of the empowerment proclamation. It concludes with a dedication on behalf of the sangha.
    Empowerment Slides
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 22, 1976

    Boulder, Colorado

  16. "Feast of Devotion" Seminar, audio and transcripts

    Five talks, at Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont, the first seminar taught by Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin after his empowerment.

    Feast of Devotion Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 03, 1976

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Feast of Devotion Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 04, 1976

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Feast of Devotion Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 05, 1976

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Feast of Devotion Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 06, 1976

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Feast of Devotion Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 07, 1976

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Feast of Devotion Transcripts Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 03, 1976

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

  17. "Myth of Freedom" Seminar

    Three talks, at Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont,

    Myth of Freedom Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 10, 1976

    Barnet, Vermont

    Myth of Freedom Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 11, 1976

    Barnet, Vermont

    Myth of Freedom Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 13, 1976

    Barnet, Vermont

  18. Community Talk, Boulder

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado, mainly on the topic of the upcoming second visit of His Holiness the Sixteenth Gyalwa Karmapa to the United States.

    Community Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 14, 1976

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

  19. "Introductory Talk" Lineage and Devotion Study Group

    Introductory Talk Lineage and Devotion Study Group
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 15, 1976

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

  20. "Bodhicitta: Awakened Heart" Seminar

    Five talks on the essence of the mahayana path, New York Dharmadhatu, three talks in the seminar plus a shrine blessing and a community talk

    Bodhicitta: Awakened Heart Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 25, 1977

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Bodhicitta: Awakened Heart Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 26, 1977

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Bodhicitta: Awakened Heart Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 27, 1977

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Bodhicitta: Awakened Heart - Shrine Blessing
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 28, 1977

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Bodhicitta: Awakened Heart Seminar - Community Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 01, 1977

    New York Dharmadhatu

  21. "Beyond Territory" Seminar, four talks and two unpublished poems, "Boston Tea Party" and "Transportation"

    Boston, Massachusetts, the poems were written in Cambridge just after.

    Beyond Territory Seminar Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 04, 1977

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Beyond Territory Seminar Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 05, 1977

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Beyond Territory Seminar Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 06, 1977

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Beyond Territory Seminar Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 07, 1977

    Boston, Massachusetts

    "Boston Tea Party" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 09, 1977

    Cambridge, Nassachusetts

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Transportation" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 09, 1977

    Cambridge, Massachuesetts

    Poem, unpublished draft
  22. "Entering the Path of Enlightenment" Seminar, Shrine Blessing and "A Capitol Vision" and "Friendly Skies," two unpublished poems

    Three talks in the seminar, one poem written during the visit and one on the departing flight, Washington, D.C.

    Entering the Path of Enlightenment Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 11, 1977

    Washington, D.C.

    Entering the Path of Enlightenment Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 12, 1977

    Washington, D.C.

    Entering the Path of Enlightenment Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 13, 1977

    Washington, D.C.

    Entering the Path of Enlightenment - Shrine Blessing
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 13, 1977

    Washington, D.C.

    "A Capitol Vision." Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 11, 1977

    Washington, D.C.

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Friendly Skies" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 14, 1977

    United Flight #167

    Poem, unpublished draft
  23. "Orphans of the Kagyü Lineage" Community Talk

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    Orphans of the Kagyü Lineage
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 25, 1977

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    Community Talk
  24. "Vision of the Mahayana" Seminar and "April Fool" a poem

    Four talks, Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado, the poem written the first day.

    Vision of the Mahayana Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 01, 1977

    Karma Dzong Boulder, Colorado

    Vision of the Mahayana Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 04, 1977

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    Vision of the Mahayana Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 04, 1977

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    Vision of the Mahayana Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 05, 1977

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    "April Fool" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 01, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Poem published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.
  25. "Buddhist Practice in Everyday Life" Seminar and unpublished poem "Mangy Dog"

    Three talks, Karmê Choling, Barnet, Vermont and a poem written during the weekend

    Buddhist Practice in Everyday Life Talk 1: The Wheel of Life
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 15, 1977

    Karmé Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Buddhist Practice in Everyday Life Talk 2: Precious Human Birth
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 16, 1977

    Karmé Chöling, barnet, Vermont

    Buddhist Practice in Everyday Life Talk 3: The Lonely Journey of Individual Salvation
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 17, 1977

    Karmé Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    "Mangy Dog" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 16, 1977

    Karmé Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Poem, unpublished draft
  26. "Beyond Aggression" Public Talk

    Newton, Massachusetts

    Beyond Aggression Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 04, 1977

    Newton, Massachussetts

  27. "Stepping Through an Open Doorway" Seminar, Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremonies, and "Redwood Claustophobia" and "Skol," two unpublished poems

    Six talks on shamatha, vipashana and the entrance to the mahayana path, Mendocino, California.

    "Redwood Claustrophobia" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 07, 1977

    Mendocino, Caifornia

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Skol" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 12, 1977

    Mendocino, California

    Poem, unpublished draft
    Refuge Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 08, 1977

    Mendocino, California

    Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 08, 1977

    Mendocino, California

    Stepping Through An Open Doorway Talk 1: Mindfulness Practice
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 06, 1977

    Mendocino, California

    Stepping Through An Open Doorway Talk 2: Aspects of Shamatha Practice
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 09, 1977

    Mendocino, California

    Stepping Through An Open Doorway Talk 3: Attributes of Vipashyana
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 11, 1977

    Mendocino, California

    Stepping Through An Open Doorway Talk 4: The Practice of Vipashyana
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 12, 1977

    Mendocino, California

    Stepping Through An Open Doorway Talk 5: The Link Between Vipashyana Experience and the Mahayana Path
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 14, 1977

    Mendocino, California

    Stepping Through An Open Doorway Talk 6: The Open Doorway to the Bodhisattva Path
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 15, 1977

    Mendocino, California

  28. "Discipline and Delight" Public Talk and "Deluxe No 1," "Two Plus One" and "Whimsy Vineyard," three unpublished poems

    Santa Barbara, California, the poems written the day after.

    Discipline and Delight Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 21, 1977

    Santa Barbara, California

    "Deluxe No 1" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 22, 1977

    Santa Barbara, California

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Two Plus One" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 22, 1977

    Santa Barbara, California

    Poem, unpublished Draft
    "Whimsy Vineyard" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 22, 1977

    Santa Barbara, California

    Poem, unpublished draft
  29. "Jewel Ornament of Liberation" Naropa Institute Summer Session Founders Course and four poems

    Eight talks, Boulder, Colorado, the poems, "Ich Liebedich Dir." and "To The Venerable Taizan Maezumi Roshi." are unpublished, "Boulder Samurai." "Instructions to Kimiko on Perseverance on the Path." are published in "Like Water Poured into Water."

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 1: Shunyata, the Essence of Samsara and Nirvana
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 10, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 2: The Working Basis
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 14, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 3: Meeting Spiritual Friends
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 17, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 4: Karma and the Six Realms
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 21, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 5: Soft Spot
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 24, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 6: The Aspiration and Accomplishment of the Bodhisattva Vow
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 28, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 7: The Attitude and Practice of the Bodhisattva Path
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 01, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 8: Buddha Activity
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 05, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    "Ich Liebedich Dir" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 15, 1977

    Kalapa Court, Boulder, Colorado

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Boulder Samurai" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 30, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Poem published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.
    "Instructions to Kimiko on Perseverance on the Path" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 30, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Poem published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.
    "To The Venerable Taizan Maezumi Roshi" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 06, 1977

    Boulder, Colorado

    Poem to Maizumi Roshi visited Boulder during this summer., unpublished draft
  30. "Kindling the Flame of Enlightenment" Seminar

    Four talks on the mahayana path, Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Kindling the Flame of Enlightenment Talk 1: Mahayana: Training to Be Genuine
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 09, 1977

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Kindling the Flame of Enlightenment Talk 2: Discovery of Buddha Nature: Celebration and Doubt
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 10, 1977

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Kindling the Flame of Enlightenment Talk 3: Making Friends with Self and Other
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 12, 1977

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Kindling the Flame of Enlightenment Talk 4: Shunyata and Skillfull Means
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 13, 1977

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

  31. "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar, Audio and Transcripts

    Nine talks, Naropa Institute Summer Session Founder's Course.

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 19, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 21, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 26, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 28, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 02, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 04, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 7
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 09, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 8
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 16, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyu Lineage Talk 9
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 18, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 19, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 21, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 3 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 26, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 4 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 28, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 5 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 02, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 6 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 04, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 7 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 09, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 8 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 16, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Lonely Journey: Devotion in the Kagyü Lineage" Seminar Talk 9 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 18, 1977

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  32. Community Talk Boulder: On Shambhala Training

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    On Shambhala Training
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 29, 1977

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

  33. Refuge Vow Ceremony

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado.

    Refuge Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 13, 1977

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

  34. "Marpa: the Fruition of Mahamudra in Everyday Life" Seminar

    Five talks, Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather lakes, Colorado.

    Marpa Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 22, 1977

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    Marpa Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 23, 1977

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    Marpa Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 24, 1977

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    Marpa Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 26, 1977

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    Marpa Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 27, 1977

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

  35. "Developing an Enlightened Attitude" Seminar

    Three talks, Chicago, Illinois. All three audio recordings are dated "September, 1977". Shambhala Archives supplied the September 1 date (accessioning protocol for missing dates). A likely date for the Chicago program is the weekend of September 9-11.

    Developing an Enlightened Attitude Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 01, 1977

    Chicago Dharmadhatu

    Developing an Enlightened Attitude Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 01, 1977

    Chicago Dharmadhatu

    Developing an Enlightened Attitude Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 01, 1977

    Chicago Dharmadhatu

  36. "Protecting the Mind: Discipline Beyond Hope and Fear" Seminar audio and transcript

    Three talks, Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont.

    Protecting the Mind: Discipline Beyond Hope and Fear Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 02, 1977

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Protecting the Mind: Discipline Beyond Hope and Fear Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 03, 1977

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Protecting the Mind: Discipline Beyond Hope and Fear Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 05, 1977

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    "Protecting the Mind: Discipline Beyond Hope and Fear" seminar transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 02, 1977

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    unpublished draft
  37. Public Talk: Meeting of Two Minds

    Toronto, Ontario. Shambhala Archives supplied the September 1 date (accessioning protocol for missing dates). A likely date for this event is sometime between October 10 and 28.

    Public Talk: Meeting of Two Minds
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 01, 1977

    Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, University of Toronto

  38. Community Talk Montreal: The Three Yanas, and two unpublished poems: "Dumpling" and "Let's Try Another One"

    Montreal, Quebec, the poems were written the day after.

    Community Talk: The Three Yanas
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 10, 1977

    Dharmadhatu, Montreal, Quebec

    "Dumpling" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 11, 1977

    Montreal, Quebec

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Let's Try Another One!" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 11, 1977

    Montreal, Quebec

    Poem, unpublished draft
  39. "Transforming Confusion into Wisdom" Seminar, Austin, "People and Ideas" TV Interview video, "Delight," a calligraphy from that visit, and "Nobody Knows" and "Yellow Rose," two unpublished poems

    Three talks, the interview on Austin Television station KLRN the day before, the two poems were written during the seminar weekend and the calligraphy was executed during the visit.

    People and Ideas TV Interview
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 04, 1977

    Austin, Texas.

    Used with permission.
    Transforming Confusion Into Wisdom Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 04, 1977

    Austin, Texas

    Transforming Confusion Into Wisdom Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 05, 1977

    Austin, Texas

    Transforming Confusion Into Wisdom Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 06, 1977

    Austin, Texas

    "Nobody Knows" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 05, 1977

    Austin Texas

    Poem written the second day of the Seminar, "Transforming Confusion into Wisdom."
    unpublished draft
    "Yellow Rose" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 05, 1977

    Austin, Texas

    Poem written the second day of the Seminar, "Transforming Confusion into Wisdom."
    unpublished draft
    Delight Calligraphy
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 05, 1977

    Austin, Texas

  40. On His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and photos

    Audio of an interview for a magazine, circa 1977-78, Berkeley, the photo of His Holiness and the Vajra Regent taken after the cremation ceremony for Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, in 1987, and an earlier photo of the two of them.

    An interview for a magazine on His Holiness extraordinary qualities
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,


    The Vajra Regent and His Holiness at the Vidyadhara's cremation ceremony.
    Photo Michael Wood, May 26, 1987

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    His Holiness Dilgo Kyhentse Rinpoche and the Vajra Regent
    photographer unknown,

  41. "Mind and Meditation" Seminar, Columbia

    Four talks, Columbia, South Carolina

    Mind and Meditation Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 10, 1978

    Columbia, South Carolina

    Mind and Meditation Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 11, 1978

    Columbia, South Carolina

    Mind and Meditation Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 12, 1978

    Columbia, South Carolina

    Mind and Meditation Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 14, 1978

    Columbia, South Carolina

  42. "Sudden Glimpse: The Appearance of Awakened Mind in Everyday Life" Seminar, three talks, New York loft space dedication ceremony talk, audio and transcripts

    Three talks and loft dedication, New York City.

    Sudden Glimpse: The Appearance of Awakened Mind in Everyday Life Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 17, 1978

    New York City

    Sudden Glimpse: The Appearance of Awakened Mind in Everyday Life Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 18, 1978

    New York City

    Sudden Glimpse: The Appearance of Awakened Mind in Everyday Life Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 19, 1978

    New York City

    New York Dharmadhatu Loft Dedication
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 19, 1978

    New York City

    Sudden Glimpse: The Appearance of Awakened Mind in Everyday Life Talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 17, 1978

    New York City

    Sudden Glimpse: The Appearance of Awakened Mind in Everyday Life Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 18, 1978

    New York City

    Sudden Glimpse: The Appearance of Awakened Mind in Everyday Life Talk 3 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 19, 1978

    New York City

  43. "Sudden Glimpse: The Step Beyond Hesitation" seminar, and three poems, two unpublished, "Is it Risen" and "Love's Humor Lost" and "Mila's New House"

    Three talks and poems written during the weekend, Karmé Chöling, Barnet, Vermont, a continuation of the New York Seminar.

    Sudden Glimpse: The Step Beyond Hesitation Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 24, 1978

    Karmé Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Sudden Glimpse: The Step Beyond Hesitation Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 25, 1978

    Karmé Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Sudden Glimpse: The Step Beyond Hesitation Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 27, 1978

    Karmé Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    "Is it Risen" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 26, 1978

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Poem, unpublished poem
    "Love's Humor Lost" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 26, 1978

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Mila's New House." Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 26, 1977

    Karmé Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Poem written on Easter Sunday, it describes the Vajra Regent placing a rupa of Milarepa on the shrine at Bhumipali Bhavan,

    the residence of the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and his family near Karmê Chöling.

    Published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006
  44. "Mind and Meditation" Seminar, a public talk and two unpublished poems, "California Dreaming" and "A Copy of That," Berkeley and San Francisco

    A public talk in San Francisco, California, and five talks in Berkeley

    Mind and Meditation Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 08, 1978

    Unitarian Church, Geary Street, San Francisco, California

    Mind and Meditation Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 11, 1978

    Berkeley, California

    Mind and Meditation Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 12, 1978

    Berkeley, California

    Mind and Meditation Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 13, 1978

    Berkeley, California

    Mind and Meditation Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 14, 1978

    Berkeley, California

    Mind and Meditation Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 16, 1978

    Berkeley, California

    "California Dreaming" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 16, 1978

    Berkeley, California

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "A Copy of That" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 15, 1978

    Berkeley, California

    Poem, published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006
  45. "Mind and Meditation" Public Talk, Seminar and two unpublished poems, "A.B.C" and "Flash in the Pan," Vancouver

    A public talk and three talks in the seminar

    Mind and Meditation Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 20, 1978

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    Mind and Meditation Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 21, 1978

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    Mind and Meditation Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 22, 1978

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    Mind and Meditation Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 23, 1978

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    "A.B.C" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 19, 1978

    Vancouver, B.C.

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Flash in the Pan" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 19, 1978

    Vancouver, B.C.

    Poem, unpublished draft
  46. "Transforming Confusion into Wisdom" Seminar Boston, Vow Ceremonies and a triple wedding

    Seven seminar talks, Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremonies and a triple wedding, Boston, Massachusetts

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 05, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 2 part 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 09, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 2 part 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 09, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 12, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 17, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 19, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 21, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 23, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 7
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 26, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Triple Wedding
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 10, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

    Refuge Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 10, 1978

    Boston, Massachusetts

  47. "Transformation of Mind in the Buddhadharma," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Talks given by the Vajra Regent, Co-Taught Seminar, Naropa Institute, Summer 1978

    Talks 2, 4 and 6

    Transformation of Mind in the Buddhadharma Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 15, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Transformation of Mind in the Buddhadharma Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 22, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Transformation of Mind in the Buddhadharma Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 29, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  48. Talk to Naropa Institute Psychology Students

    Boulder, Colorado

    Naropa Institute Psychology Students Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 27, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  49. Regent's Open Golf Tournament

    The tournament occurred during the Naropa Institute Summer session of that year, at the Lake Valley Golf Club, north of Boulder. The Open was a celebration and a fundraiser of the Regent's Club, which was an organization founded to help community members and situations that needed funding. It's activity became the Shambhala Trust in 1985. The tournament date is very approximate. The photos are shown on this page and subsequent days on the Timeline, but they were all taken the same day.

    Regent's Open Golf Tournament - 'Big Golf'
    Photo Robert del Tredici, July 15, 1978

    Lake Valley Golf Club

    Date is approximate.
  50. Regent's Open Golf Tournament - Two Photos

    Regent's Open Golf Tournament Photo 1
    Photo Robert del Tredici, July 15, 1978

    Lake Valley Golf Club

    Taken during a lightning strike warning.
    Regent's Open Golf Tournament Photo 2
    Photo Robert del Tredici, July 15, 1978

    Lake Valley Golf Club

    Date is approximate
  51. Regent's Open Golf Tournament

    With his son Anthony

    Regent's Open Golf Tournament Photo 3
    Photo Robert del Tredici, July 15, 1978

    Lake Valley Golf Club

    With his son Anthony. Date is approximate.
  52. "Theory and Practice of Meditation," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Talks given by the Vajra Regent, Co-Taught Seminar, Naropa Institute, Summer 1978

    Talks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10

    Theory and Practice of Meditation Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 20, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Theory and Practice of Meditaiton Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 27, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Theory and Practice of Meditation Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 03, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Theory and Practice of Meditation Talk 8
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 10, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Theory and Practice of Meditation Talk 10
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 17, 1978

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  53. Radio Interview, Los Angeles

    KPFK Los Angeles with Roy Tuckman on the evening prior to the public talk, "Transforming Confusion Into Wisdom."

    Radio Interview KPFK with Roy Tuckman
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 07, 1978

    Los Angeles, California

  54. "Celebrating Toast" Poem

    Written at the retreat place of Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, during his year-long retreat in 1978.

    During that time he entrusted the leadership of all his centers to the Vajra Regent.

    "Celebrating Toast" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 16, 1978

    Charlemont, Massachusetts

    Poem, published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.
  55. "Cultivation of Enlightened Mind" Seminar and Vow Ceremonies

    Four talks in the seminar, Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremonies given December 8-13, 1978, Karmê Chöling

    Cultivation of Enlightened Mind Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 08, 1978

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Cultivation of Enlightened Mind Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 09, 1978

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Cultivation of Enlightened Mind Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 10, 1978

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Cultivation of Enlightened Mind Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 12, 1978

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Refuge Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 11, 1978

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 13, 1978

    Karmê Chöling

  56. Talk to Dathun Participants

    Given during a month long period of sitting meditation, Rocky Mountain Dharma Center.

    Talk to Dathun Participants
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 04, 1979

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

  57. "Wasting Time" Poem

    Written in response to a letter from Mary Lang, a student who was a professional photographer who the Vajra Regent regarded as his photography teacher.
    Boulder, Colorado

    "Wasting Time" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 15, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    Poem, published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006
  58. Practice Talk

    Probably in Tuscon, Arizona

    Talk on Meditation
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 24, 1979

    Tuscon probably

  59. "Meditation in Action" Seminar 1979 Chicago, and "Vintage" and "Supplication" two unpublished poems

    Three talks, Chicago, Illinois, the first of five seminars on this theme, all in March 1979, the four subsequent seminars in Austin, Miami, Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. The two poems were written the day before and the day of the first talk..

    Meditation in Action Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 06, 1979

    Chicago, Illinois

    Meditation in Action Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 07, 1979

    Chicago, Illinois

    Meditation in Action Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 08, 1979

    Chicago, Illinois

    "Vintage" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 05, 1979

    Chicago, Illinois

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Supplication" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 06, 1979

    Chicago, Illinois

    Poem, unpublished draft
  60. "Meditation in Action" Seminar 1979 Austin, Shrine Blessing and "Native Language," an unpublished poem

    Three talks in the seminar, Austin Texas, the second seminar of five.

    Meditation in Action Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 10, 1979

    Austin, Texas

    Meditation in Action Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 11, 1979

    Austin, Texas

    Meditation in Action Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 12, 1979

    Austin, Texas

    Shrine Blessing and Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 14, 1979

    Austin, Texas

    "Native Language" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 11, 1979

    Austin, Texas

    Poem, unpublished draft
  61. "Meditation in Action" Seminar 1979 Miami

    Three talks, the third seminar of five.

    Meditation in Action Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 16, 1979

    Miami, Florida

    Meditation in Action Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 17, 1979

    Miami, Florida

    Meditation in Action Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 17, 1979

    Miami, Florida

  62. "Meditation in Action" Seminar 1979, Washington and an unpublished poem, "Egghead Zen"

    Four talks, the fourth seminar of five. Ethical Culture Society, Washington, D.C. The poem was written the day before the first talk.

    Meditation in Action Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 22, 1979

    Washington, D.C.

    Meditation in Action Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 23, 1979

    Washington, D.C.

    Meditation in Action Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 24, 1979

    Washington, D.C.

    Meditation in Action Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 25, 1979

    Washington, D.C.

    "Egghead Zen" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 21, 1979

    Washington, D.C.

    Poem, unpublished draft
  63. "Meditation in Action" Seminar 1979, Philadephia, "Empty Wallet" "Distillery," "Symphony in Be Flat" and "Nuclear Tomorrow," unpublished poems written during the visit

    Three talks, the fifth seminar of five, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    Meditation in Action Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 30, 1979

    Philadephia, Pennsylvania

    Meditation in Action Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 31, 1979

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Meditation in Action Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 01, 1979

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    "Empty Wallet" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 28, 1979

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Distillery" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 02, 1979

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Symphony in Be Flat" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 02, 1979

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Nuclear Tomorrow" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 01, 1979

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Poem, unpublished draft
  64. Photo - circa late 70's

    Karmê Choling, Barnet, Vermont

    Photo circa late 1970's
    Photo Robert del Tredici, April 10, 1979

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vemont

    Date is approximate
  65. "Song of Devotion" Seminar

    Four talks, Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Song of Devotion Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 11, 1979

    Karmê_Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Song of Devotion Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 12, 1979

    Karmê_Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Song of Devotion Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 14, 1979

    Karmê_Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Song of Devotion Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 15, 1979

    Karmê_Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

  66. "Wheel of Life" Seminar, audio and transcripts

    Four talks , Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado.

    Wheel of Life Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 25, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    Wheel of Life Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 26, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    Wheel of Life Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 27, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    Wheel of Life Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 29, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    "Wheel of Life" Seminar talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 25, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
    "Wheel of Life" Seminar talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 26, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
    "Wheel of Life" Seminar talk 3 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 27, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
    "Wheel of Life" Seminar talk 4 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 29, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
  67. Elementary Education Talk, Naropa Institute

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Elementary Education Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 02, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  68. "Jewel of Enlightenment" Advanced Training Session (ATS) and Community Talk

    Five talks in the seminar May 10-14, 1979, San Francisco, and a talk to the Palo Alto Community May 14, 1979

    Jewel of Enlightenment Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 10, 1979

    San Francisco Dharmadhatu

    Jewel of Enlightenment Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 11, 1979

    San Francisco Dharmadhatu

    Jewel of Enlightenment Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 12, 1979

    San Francisco Dharmadhatu

    Jewel of Enlightenment Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 13, 1979

    San Francisco Dharmadhatu

    Jewel of Enlightenment Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 14, 1979

    San Francisco Dharmadhatu

    The talk number is probably 5
    Community Talk Palo Alto
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 14, 1979

    Palo Alto, California

  69. "Life and Teachings of Naropa" Seminar, Los Angeles, audio and transcripts,"Co-Fraternal Doha" unpublished poem, and Shrine Blessing, Santa Barbara

    Four talks of the seminar given in Los Angeles, much of it taught in pandita style, commenting on each line of Naropa's biography. Transcript drafts are included. The Shrine blessing was given May 24,1979 in Santa Barbara.

    Life and Teachings of Naropa Seminar Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 18, 1979

    Los Angeles, California

    Life and Teachings of Naropa Seminar Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 19, 1979

    Los Angeles, California

    Life and Teachings of Naropa Seminar Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 20, 1979

    Los Angeles, Californiia

    Life and Teachings of Naropa Seminar Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 21, 1979

    Los Angeles, California

    Shrine Blessing, Santa Barbara
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 24, 1979

    Santa Barbara, California

    Life and Teachings of Naropa Seminar Talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 18, 1979

    Los Angeles, California

    Life and Teachings of Naropa Seminar Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 19, 1979

    Los Angeles, California

    Life and Teachings of Naropa Seminar Talk 3 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 20, 1979

    Los Angeles, California

    Life and Teachings of Naropa Seminar Talk 4 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 21, 1979

    Los Angeles, California

    "Co-Fraternal Doha" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, Stephen Baker, May 19, 1979

    Los Angerles, California

    Poem, unpublished draft
  70. "Meditation in the Three Yanas," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Talks given by the Vajra Regent, Co-Taught Seminar, Naropa Institute, Summer 1979

    Talks 2, 4, 6 and 8

    Meditation in the Three Yanas Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 14, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder Colorado

    Meditation in the Three Yanas Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 25, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder Colorado

    Meditation in the Three Yanas Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 02, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder Colorado

    Meditation in the Three Yanas Talk 8
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 09, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder Colorado

  71. "Warrior of Shambhala," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Talks given by the Vajra Regent, Co-Taught Seminar, Naropa Institute, Summer 1979

    Talks 2, 5, 6 and 8

    Warrior of Shambhala Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 26, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Warrior of Shambhala Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 06, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Warrior of Shambhala Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 09, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Warrior of Shambhala Talk 8
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 16, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "Warrior of Shambhala," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Co-Taught Seminar Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 26, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
    "Warrior of Shambhala," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Co-Taught Seminar Talk 6 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 09, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
    "Warrior of Shambhala," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Co-Taught Seminar Talk 8 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 16, 1979

    Boulder, Colorado

    "Warrior of Shambhala," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Co-Taught Seminar Talk 5 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 06, 1979

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  72. "Education for An Enlightened Society" Talk

    Boulder, Colorado

    Education for An Enlightened Society
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 05, 1979

    Naropa Psychology Symposium Talk

  73. Vidya School Talk on Education

    Boulder, Colorado

    Vidya School Talk on Education
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 08, 1979

    Vidya School, Boulder, Colorado

  74. Public Talk

    New York, New York

    Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 28, 1979

    New York City

  75. "Mismatched/Mixmatched" wedding poem and calligraphy

    Gifts made for the same occasion, the poem was written days before the wedding and the calligraphy executed afterwards.

    "Mismatched/Mixmatched," wedding gift poem Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 26, 1980

    Los Angeles, California

    Written for the wedding of close friends Barbara McClellan and Danny Mann, published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.
    Wedding Gift Calligraphy
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 26, 1980

    Boulder, Colorado

    Execution date is approximate
  76. Public talk, "Warrior's Way: Gentleness and Compassion"

    San Francisco, California

    Warrior's Way: Gentleness and Compassion, Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 30, 1980

    San Francisco, California

  77. Letter to the 1980 Vajradhatu Seminary

    That year was the first time the Vajra Regent was unable to attend the seminary in person. To fulfill one of his roles, that of helping to prepare students to enter the Vajrayana teachnings, he wrote a letter to the seminary participants detailing his initial meetings with Trungpa Rinpoche.

    Letter Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 21, 1980

    Paso Robles, California

  78. Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony and three poems "Journey Through a Practitioner's Mind," and "One Shot" and "Ruptured Song," all unpublished.

    At a Meditation Instructor's Conference at Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, the poems written the same day.

    "Journey Through a Practitioner's Mind" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 01, 1980

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "One Shot" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 01, 1980

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    Poem, unpublished draft
    "Ruptured Song" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 01, 1980

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    Poem, unpublished draft
    Bodhisattva Vows
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 01, 1980

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

  79. Public Reception, His Holiness Karmapa XVI Visit of 1980, Boulder

    A Public Reception at UC Alumni House, with introductions by Vajradhatu and City officials, as well as an address by the Vajra Regent on the community's effect and appreciation of Boulder on the 10th anniversary year of establishing the sangha there..

    His Holiness Karmapa XVI Visit of 1980, Public Reception
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 11, 1980

    UC Alumni House, Boulder, Colorado

  80. "Bodhicaryavatara," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Talks given by the Vajra Regent, Co-Taught Seminar, Naropa Institute, Summer 1980

    Talks 2, 4, 6 and 8

    Bodhicaryavatara Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 16, 1980

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Bodhicaryavatara Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 23, 1980

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Bodhicaryavatara Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 30, 1980

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Bodhicaryavatara Talk 8
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 07, 1980

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  81. Radio Interview, Boulder

    With Hubert Backes, in Boulder during the Naropa Summer Session and the Co-taught Seminar, "Bodhicaryavatara."

    Radio Interview
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 18, 1980

    Boulder, Colorado

    With Hubert Backes
  82. Naropa Institute Public Talk

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Naropa Institute Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 05, 1980

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  83. Life and Teachings of Naropa: Indian Pandit and Mahasiddha," Naropa Institute Founder's Course, Talks given by the Vajra Regent, Co-Taught Seminar, Naropa Institute, Summer 1980

    Talk 2

    Life and Teachings of Naropa: Indian Pandit and Mahasiddha Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 24, 1980

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  84. Shambhala Training Public Talk

    Denver, Colorado

    Shambhala Training Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 20, 1980

    Denver, Colorado

  85. "How to Bring about Enlightenment" seminar and Refuge Vow Veremony

    Three talks in the seminar, and Refuge Vow, Chicago, Illinois.

    How to Bring about Enlightenment Seminar Talk 1 - public talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 07, 1980

    Chicago, Illinois

    How to Bring about Enlightenment Seminar Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 10, 1980

    Chicago, Illinois

    How to Bring about Enlightenment Seminar Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 11, 1980

    Chicago, Illinois

    Refuge Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 09, 1980

    Chicago, Illinois

  86. "Wisdom of Compassion" Seminar and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony

    Four Talks and Vow Ceremony, Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont.

    Wisdom of Compassion Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 24, 1980

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Wisdom of Compassion Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 25, 1980

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Wisdom of Compassion Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 27, 1980

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Wisdom of Compassion Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 28, 1980

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 26, 1980

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

  87. Padma Committee Meeting

    The Padma Committee was established to help members of the community and others, via communal events and individual hospitality. Discussed are how to develop continuous generosity, obstacles to that, how to work with the environment in the beginning, middle and end, and an extensive Q & A, March 9, 1981, Boulder

    Padma Committee Meeting
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 09, 1981

    Private Residence, Boulder, Colorado

  88. Amara Association of Health Professionals Talk

    Boulder, Colorado

    Amara Association of Health Professionals Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 02, 1981

    Boulder, Colorado

    Partial recording
  89. "Path of the Buddha: The Discipline of Meditation" Seminar

    Three talks, Atlanta, Georgia.

    Path of the Buddha: The Discipline of Meditation Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 21, 1981

    Atlanta, Georgia

    Path of the Buddha: The Discipline of Meditation Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 23, 1981

    Atlanta, Georgia

    Path of the Buddha: The Discipline of Meditation Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 24, 1981

    Atlanta, Georgia

  90. "Path to Awakening" Public Talk

    Burlington, Vermont

    "Path to Awakening" Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 01, 1981

    Burlington, Vermont

  91. "Patience: The Armor of Nonaggression" I.T.S. Audio and Transcripts, and Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremonie Audio

    Three talks with summaries and vow ceremony, Karmê Choling, Barnet, Vermont

    Patience: The Armor of Nonaggression Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 02, 1981

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Patience contrasted with aggression,
    Essence of enlightened mind,
    Detailed practice of patience in three parts; cutting the root of anger,
    QA: humbleness, 2-fold egolessness, and karmic consequences.
    Patience: The Armor of Nonaggression Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 03, 1981

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    The three characteristics of patience,
    Five contemplations on not harming others,
    Obstacles and hardships - patience to be still and investigate,
    QA: how to practice in an earthquake, livelihood, and working with others.
    Patience: The Armor of Nonaggression Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 05, 1981

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Prajna as supporting factor of patience; compassion, awareness and shunyata,
    Outcomes and results of patience,
    QA: not being fake, taking the blame, and armor as display of discipline.
    Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremonies
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 04, 1981

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Patience: The Armor of Nonaggression Talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 02, 1981

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Patience: The Armor of Non-Aggression Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 03, 1981

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Patience: The Armor of Non-Aggression Talk 3 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 05, 1981

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

  92. "Aggression: The Ground of Psychosis," from the Naropa Institute Psychology Symposium, Audio and Transcript

    Boulder, Colorado

    Aggression: The Ground of Psychosis
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 24, 1981

    Boulder, Colorado

    Aggression: The Ground of Psychosis Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 24, 1981

    Boulder, Colorado

    Unedited draft, unpublished.
  93. "Healing in the Buddhist Tradition" Course

    Six talks, Naropa Institute Founders Course, Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Healing in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 27, 1981

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Healing in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 30, 1981

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Healing in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 03, 1981

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Healing in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 06, 1981

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Healing in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 13, 1981

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Healing in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 17, 1981

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  94. 8th Dharmadhatu Conference Final Talk by Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche - "New Era"

    WIth a powerful Introduction by the Vajra Regent, shortly after the death of HH the XVII Karmapa. A seminal talk in the vision of establishing the Vajrayana Dharma and Shambhala vision in the West.

    8th Dharmadhatu Conference Final Remarks
    Vajracarya the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, introduction by the Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin, December 24, 1981

    Boulder, Colorado

  95. "Health in the Buddhist Tradition" Course

    Sequel to the 1981 Course "Healing in the Buddhist Tradition," five talks, Naropa Institute Founders Course

    Health in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 20, 1982

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Health in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 29, 1982

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Health in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 03, 1982

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Health in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 10, 1982

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Health in the Buddhist Tradition Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 12, 1982

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  96. "Living with the Challenge" poem

    Boulder, Colorado

    "Living with the Challenge" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 18, 1982

    Boulder, Colorado

    To Lady Lila Rich on her birthday
    Poem, published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006
  97. "Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self" Seminar, Refuge and Bodhisattva Vow Ceremonies and a Public Talk

    Three talks and two vow ceremonies, Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont, and a public talk Hanover, New Hampshire. Audio of the all the talks and transcripts of the seminar talks are included

    Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 03, 1982

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Notes: Self” defined as the perception of one’s separateness from their environment and others – a mistaken awareness arising out of fear due to ignorance, The transcendence of ignorance and of territoriality and lack of generosity is the path to enlightenment.
    Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 04, 1982

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Transcending fixation on self is the practice of generosity,
    Fruition is complete transcendence of reference to self,
    Three types of confidence arise from generosity:
    1. Faith in the truth that suffering arising out of ignorance.
    2. Conviction in the real possibility of enlightenment.
    3. Confidence in the three jewels as the vehicle to achieve enlightenment.
    Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 06, 1982

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Refuge Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 05, 1982

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 12, 1982

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 07, 1982

    Hanover, New Hampshire

    "Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self" Seminar Talk 1 transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 03, 1982

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    "Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self" Seminar Talk 2 transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 04, 1982

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self" Seminar Talk 3 transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 06, 1982

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

  98. "Transforming Confusion into Wisdom" Seminar Halifax

    Three talks, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 24, 1982

    Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 25, 1982

    Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Transforming Confusion into Wisdom Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 26, 1982

    Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  99. Buddha-Stupa calligraphy and a photo

    The calligraphy is from the Vajra Regent's office in Boulder, executed after studying material on the meaning and architecture of stupas. The photo of the Vidyadhara was taken by the Vajra Regent.

    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 16, 1983

    Karma Dzong

    Courtesy of David Sanford
    Photo of the Vidyadhara taken by the Vajra Regent
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, courtesy of Mary Lang,

    Place and date unknown

  100. "Naropa, the Mahasiddha" Seminar, audio and transcripts

    Three talks, Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Naropa, the Mahasiddha Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 21, 1983

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Naropa, the Mahasiddha Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 22, 1983

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Naropa, the Mahasiddha Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 23, 1983

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Naropa the Mahasiddha Talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 21, 1983

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
    Naropa the Mahasiddha Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 22, 1983

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
    Naropa the Mahasiddha Talk 3 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 23, 1983

    Boulder, Colorado

    unpublished draft
  101. "Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand" Seminar Boulder

    Three talks, on a tour after the publication of his book of the same name, Boulder.

    Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 04, 1983

    Boulder, Colorado

    Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 05, 1983

    Boulder, Colorado

    Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 06, 1983

    Boulder, Colorado

  102. "Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand" Seminar, Public Talk, a radio Interview and a shamatha group interview, New York

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 17, 1983

    New York City

    Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 26, 1983

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 26, 1983

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 27, 1983

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Shamatha students group interview
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 18, 1983

    New York Dharmadhatu

    Radio interview with Lex Hixon
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 19, 1983

    New York City

  103. Public Talk

    In New York City at the Ethical Culture Society.

    Public Talk New York City
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 22, 1983

    Ethical Culture Society

  104. "Space, Time and Energy" Seminar, Refuge Vow Ceremony, a Group Interview and a calligraphy

    Three talks describing the three kayas in an accessible and profound way, this seminar is published in book form. The group interview was given during the weekend.

    Talk 1, Space
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 01, 1983

    Karmé-Chöling Barnet, Vermont

    Talk 2, Time
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 02, 1983

    Karmé-Chöling Barnet, Vermont

    Talk 3, Energy
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 04, 1983

    Karmé-Chöling Barnet, Vermont

    Group Interview
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 03, 1983

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Refuge Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 04, 1983

    Karmê Chöling, Bernet, Vermont

    Circle calligraphy used on the book cover
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

  105. "Peace and Clarity: Two Stages of Meditation" Talk

    Date is uncertain, if correct, probably given at Karmê Chöling

    "Peace and Clarity: Two Stages of Meditation" Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 08, 1983

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Date uncertain
    "Peace and Clarity: Two Stages of Meditation" Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 08, 1983

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Unpublished, unedited
  106. Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony and "Mahamudra Poem" unpublished poem

    Vow Ceremony July 10, the poem July 9, 1983, for Dan Meade, Boulder, Colorado

    Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 10, 1983

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vemont

    "Mahamudra Poem" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 09, 1983

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    unpublished draft
  107. Haiku Exchange

    A haiku from the Vajra Regent to the Vidyadhara, and the Vidyadhara's reply sent back the same day.

    "Haiku and Response" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, August 16, 1983

    Boulder, Colorado

    In August, 1983, the Vajra Regent sent a message to Trungpa Rinpoche in the form of a poem titled “Haiku.” The same evening, he received a reply from Trungpa Rinpoche, in haiku form as well, written on his residence letterhead and signed “D.D. of Mukpo.” Published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.

  108. Marrying Mountains Calligraphy and a Photo

    Executed and photographed during a pilgrimage to Japan in the Fall of 1983 with the Vidyadhara and many students.

    Two Mountains
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,


    The Vidyadhara and the Vajra Regent during the pilgramage
    Photo Julie DuBose, October 10, 1983


    Date is approximate
  109. "Peace and Aggression" Seminar

    Three talks, two by the Vajra Regent and one by Jeremy Hayward, Naropa Institute.

    Peace and Aggression Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 13, 1984

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Peace and Aggression Talk 2
    Jeremy Hayward, January 14, 1984

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Peace and Aggression Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 15, 1984

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

  110. "Path of Radiant Wisdom" Seminar audio, transcripts and calligraphy

    Six talks, one talk includes refuge vows and one talk given by Don Milani, Orcas Island, Washington.

    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" Seminar Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 28, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" Seminar Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 29, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" Seminar Talk 3 and Refuge Vows
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 30, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" Seminar Talk 4
    Don Milani, May 02, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" Seminar Talk 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 04, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" Seminar Talk 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 05, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" seminar talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 28, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    unpublished draft
    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" seminar talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 29, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    unpublished draft
    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" seminar talk 3 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 30, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    unpublished draft
    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" seminar talk 4 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 02, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    unpublished draft
    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" seminar talk 6 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 05, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    unpublished draft
    "Path of Radiant Wisdom" seminar talk 5 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 04, 1984

    Orcas Island, Washington

    unpublished draft
    No/Not Calligraphy
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    Orcas Island, Washington

    Executed during the seminar. Courtesy Jim Yensan
  111. "Power and Wisdom" Seminar

    Three talks, Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado.

    Power and Wisdom Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 18, 1984

    Boulder, Colorado

    Power and Wisdom Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 19, 1984

    Boulder, Colorado

    Power and Wisdom Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 20, 1984

    Boulder, Colorado

  112. "Protecting the Mind: Effort As the Expression of Freedom" Seminar

    Three talks, Karmê Choling, Barnet, Vermont

    Protecting the Mind: Effort As the Expression of Freedom Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 25, 1984

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    How to practice meditation without struggle,
    How to be, without self consciousness,
    Freedom as the natural state of our being is the ground of meditation practice,
    Memories of past events and expectations of future one's do not have to entrap our state of mind.
    Protecting the Mind: Effort As the Expression of Freedom Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 27, 1984

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Effort is based on freedom to begin with, not a mechanistic or forced action,
    Effort proceeds from the absence of conceptual notions about how to act,
    Recognizing modes of laziness with respect to meditation practice and applying the antidotes reconnects us with the basic state of freedom.
    Protecting the Mind: Effort As the Expression of Freedom Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 28, 1984

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Through meditation practice (effort) we first liberate ourselves from confused mind,
    This is the lesser enlightenment or realization of our Buddha nature,
    Greater or complete enlightenment is realizing bodhicitta, the view of seeing others' potential as Buddha and the practice of compassion through the six paramitas.
    Refuge Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 27, 1984

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

    Given May 27, 1984, during the "Protecting the Mind: Effort As the Expression of Freedom" Seminar
  113. "Path of the Noble Ones" Public Talk

    Ottawa Dharmadhatu

    Public Talk - Path of the Noble Ones
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 30, 1984

    Ottawa Dharmadhatu

  114. Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony

    December 29, 1985, Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado.

    Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 29, 1984

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

  115. Shambhala Day Address 1985

    The Vidyadhara was on retreat that year, determined to remain there for Shambhala Day, and asked the Vajra Regent to give the address. In addition to statements of vision and encouragement, the final remark is a reference to a line from a movie, then currently known to many sangha members: "Buckaroo Banzai."

    Shambhala Day Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 20, 1985

    Karma Dzong Halifax

  116. "Art in Everyday Life" Seminar, "A Court Poem" unpublished, and a calligraphy

    Three talks, Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado. The poem was written the day of the last talk.

    "Through the discipline of meditation the natural expression of our being becomes manifest.
    In this open state everything we express is genuine, because of that, beautiful, and consequently, art."

    Art in Everyday Life Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 01, 1985

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Art in Everyday Life Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 02, 1985

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    Art in Everyday Life Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 03, 1985

    Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado

    "A Court Poem" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 03, 1985

    Kalapa Court, Boulder, Colorado

    Poem, unpublished draft
    Blue with red flames
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

  117. 1985 Seminary talk "Connecting with the Teacher," video and transcript

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center

    1985 Seminary Hinayana Talk: Connecting with the Teacher
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 19, 1985

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    1985 Seminary Talk "Connecting with the Teacher" transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, July 19, 1985

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

  118. "Jewel Ornament of Liberation" Class, Halifax

    Fifteen talks, given September 1985 to January 1986, shortly after moving his household to Halifax. The Vidyadhara had asked the Vajra Regent to teach this text for the second time there. During the class period, the Vidyadhara came to Halifax to bless and open the shrine at Dorje Dzong. Shortly thereafter he himself moved to Halifax from Boulder. One talk, #14, is missing.

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 17, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 19, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 3: The Vicious State of Samsara
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 24, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 4: Karma
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 26, 1985

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 5: Maitri and Karuna
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 22, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 6: Refuge
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 24, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 7: Birth of Bodhicitta
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 29, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 8: Training in Aspiration and Perseverance
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 01, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 9: Dana Paramita
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 23, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 10: Patience and Exertion
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 27, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 11: Meditation
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 30, 1985

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 12: Prajna
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 02, 1986

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 13: Five Paths and Ten Bhumis
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 04, 1986

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    (Talk 14 is not extant)
    Jewel Ornament of Liberation Talk 15: Result
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 28, 1986

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  119. Three-Yana Seminar Talk 1

    Given May 23, 1986, Los Angeles

    Three-Yana Seminar Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 23, 1986

    Los Angeles, California

  120. "Realizing Enlightened Society" Seminar Video

    Two talks, Los Angeles, California

    Realizing Enlightened Society Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 30, 1986

    Los Angeles, California

    Realizing Enlightened Society Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 31, 1986

    Los Angeles, California

  121. "Four Instructions for Meditation Practice" Doha

    For a few people from Cleveland who had taken Refuge Vows with him in Halifax. The date of the Vow Ceremony is unknown. The original document scan and the re-typed Doha are included.

    Four Instructions for Meditation Practice original memo Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 20, 1986

    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Four Instructions for Meditation Practice re-typed Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, September 20, 1986

    Halifax, Nova Scotia

  122. Rain of Wisdom Class Talk 2 "Divine Madmen of India," Class Transcript, and the preface to the book "Rain of Wisdom"

    Dorje Dzong, Halifax, for a Community class

    Rain of Wisdom Class Talk 2 "Divine Madmen of India"
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 15, 1987

    Karma Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Rain of Wisdom Class Talk 2 transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 15, 1987

    Karma Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Preface to the book "Rain of Wisdom" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    Boulder, Colorado

  123. Dathun Talk Karmê Chöling

    Barnet, Vermont

    Dathun Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 26, 1987

    Barnet, Vermont

  124. "Open Way: La Voie Ouverte" Montreal, public talk, "Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior" seminar, and three calligraphies

    A public talk and three talk seminar given in Montreal, Quebec - the same series was taught next in Toronto and Vancouver. The calligraphies were executed during the visit.

    Sacred Path of the Warrior Seminar Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 30, 1987

    Montreal, Quebec

    Sacred Path of the Warrior Seminar Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 31, 1987

    Montreal, Quebec

    Sacred Path of the Warrior Seminar Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 01, 1987

    Montreal, Quebec

    Open Way: La Voie Ouverte Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 29, 1987

    Montreal, Quebec

    Abstract Calligraphy 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 30, 1987

    Montreal, Quebec

    Executed during this teaching visit to Montreal.
    Abtract Calligraphy 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 30, 1987

    Montreal, Quebec

    Executed during this teaching visit to Montreal.
    Abstract Calligraphy 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 30, 1987

    Montreal, Quebec

    Executed during this teaching visit to Montreal.
  125. "The Open Way" Seminar, Toronto, and a Shambhala Training Public talk

    Three talk seminar and a public talk, Toronto, Ontario

    The Open Way Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 06, 1987

    Toronto, Ontario

    The Open Way Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 07, 1987

    Toronto, Ontario

    The Open Way Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 08, 1987

    Toronto, Ontario

    Shambhala Training Public Talk: Sacred Path of the Warrior
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 05, 1987

    Toronto, Ontario

  126. "The Open Way" Vancouver, a public talk, "Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior" Seminar, a community talk and two poems; "How to Govern Properly" and "Dewdrop of Emotion"

    Four talks November 12-16, 1987, one public, one for the community and two in the seminar, Vancouver, British Columbia.

    The Open Way Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 12, 1987

    Asian Society, Vancouver, British Columbia

    Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 13, 1987

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 14, 1987

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    Community Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 16, 1987

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    "How to Govern Properly" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 14, 1987

    Vancouver, British Columbia

    Poem, published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.
    "Dewdrop of Emotion" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 14, 1987

    Vanvouver, British Columbia

    poem, unpublished draft
  127. "The Open Way" Public Talk Milwaukee, video and transcript

    A public talk on the Mahayana path, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    The Open Way
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 19, 1987

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    "The Open Way" transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 19, 1987

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    unpublished draft
  128. "Primordial Confidence" Seminar, audio and transcripts

    Two talks, Chicago, Illinois, on the origination and essence of the Shambhala teachings

    Primordial Confidence Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 20, 1987

    Chicago, Illinois

    Primordial Confidence Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 21, 1987

    Chicago, Illinois

    Primordial Confidence Talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 20, 1987

    Chicago, Illinois

    Unedited, unpublished
    Primordial Confidence Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 21, 1987

    Chicago, Illinois

    Unedited, unpublished, incomplete recording
  129. "Shambhala: Sacred Path of the Warrior," Afterword to the book

    Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior Afterword Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 27, 1987

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont

  130. "Meditation: The Practice of Being" - audio and transcript

    A talk to the Burlington Dharmadhatu - Basic space as personal experience and the ground of being.

    Meditation: The Practice of Being Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 02, 1987

    Burlington, Vermont

    Meditation: Practice of Being audio
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 02, 1987

    Burlington, Vermont

  131. "Recalling the Guru's Instructions" Community talk video, audio and 'kindness' video excerpt

    A talk to the Karma Dzong community in the period after the parinirvana of the Vidyadhara, audio, video, a video excerpt and a transcript

    Community Talk: Recalling the Guru's Instructions Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 23, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    "Recalling the Guru's Instructions"
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 23, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    "Recalling the Guru's Instructions" Video
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 23, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    "Kindness" Excerpt
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 23, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    An excerpt from this talk on kindness, solidity, blaming others and how to manifest properly
  132. Shambhala Day Address 1988

    February 18, 1988, Halifax

    Shambhala Day Address 1988
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 18, 1988

    Halifax, Nova Scotia

  133. "Talk to Teenagers" audio and transcript

    Given March 4, 1988 Halifax. "I might discuss a little bit how we became involved in all of this Buddhism and Shambala and maybe what attracted us as parents to this discipline..."

    Talk to Teenagers
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 04, 1988

    Boulder, Colorado

    Talk to Teenagers Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 04, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    unpublished, unedited draft
  134. "Discipline" Seminar video, audio, transcript and a doha

    Three talks, Dorje Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Discipline Talk 1 video
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 18, 1988

    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Discipline Talk 2 video
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 19, 1988

    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Discipline Talk 3 video
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 20, 1988

    Halifax, Nova scotia

    Discipline Talk 1 Audio
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 18, 1988

    Boulder, Colorado

    Discipline Talk 2 Audio
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 19, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    Discipline Talk 3 Audio
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 20, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Boulder, Colorado

    Spontaneous Doha from the "Discipline" Seminar Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 20, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Poem, from the Seminar
    Discipline Seminar Transcripts Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 18, 1988

    Karma Dzong, Halifax, Nova Scotia

    unpublished draft
  135. Direct Path to Enlightenment audio and video

    This public talk and the two seminars in Los Angeles and San Francisco that followed continued a flowering of the Vajra Regent’s teaching style that began after the parinirvana of the Vidyadhara in April of 1987: A concise and penetrating exposition of the Mahamudra view and path. There is video, audio, a transcript and a still photo taken from the video. Both seminars are available in full to registered users.

    Direct Path to Enlightenment Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 16, 1988

    Los Angeles, California, Wilshire-Ebell Theater

    Direct Path to Enlightenment Public Talk
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 16, 1988

    Los Angeles, California, Wilshire Ebell Theater

    Direct Path to Enlightenment Photo - Still from Video
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 16, 1988

    Los Angeles, California, Wilshire-Ebell Theater

    Direct Path to Enlightenment Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 16, 1988

    Los Angeles, California, Wilshire-Ebell Theater

  136. "Mahamudra Lineage" Seminar video, audio and transcripts Los Angeles

    Two talks April 23-24, 1988, Los Angeles, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 23, 1988

    Los Angeles, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 24, 1988

    Los Angeles, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 1 video
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 23, 1988

    Los Angeles, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 2 video
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 24, 1988

    Los Angeles, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 23, 1988

    Los Angeles, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 24, 1988

    Los Angeles, California

  137. "Mahamudra Lineage" Seminar audio, transcripts, and calligraphed posters, San Francisco

    Three talks, San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 29, 1988

    San Francisco, California

    The command lineage and its history,
    The ordinary experience of wisdom we miss,
    Putting oneself on the line through practice,
    Devotion as natural state of mind that arises from space.
    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 30, 1988

    San Francisco, California

    How practice manifests in one's life,
    Emphasis on experience without attachment,
    Not leading to anything,
    Being truly settled and effortless,
    Devotion as naked state of being.
    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 01, 1988

    San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 1 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 29, 1988

    San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 2 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 30, 1988

    San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Talk 3 Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, May 01, 1988

    San Francisco, California

    Fruition - realization of the indivisibility of mind, guru and phenomena,
    Three bodies of awake,
    Benefiting others just by being alone.
    Mahamudra Lineage Seminar Poster 1, signed with his Kasung title, Tongsung Kyi Khyap
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    San Francisco, California

    Courtesy of Bruce Dal Santo
    Mahamudra Lineage Seminar Poster 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    San Francisco, California

    Courtesy of Bruce Dal Santo
    Mahamudra Lineage Seminar Poster 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Seminar Poster 4
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Seminar Poster 5
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Seminar Poster 6
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Seminar Poster 7
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    San Francisco, California

    Mahamudra Lineage Seminar Poster 8
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    San Francisco, California

  138. "Song of Cheerfulness" poem and photo

    Written at Dawa Sangpo House, the Vajra Regent’s residence while visiting the Dharmadhatu in Boston, Massachusetts.
    Dawa Sangpo was the name of the first dharma king of Shambhala. His name means “good moon.” It connotes the principle of “basic goodness.”

    "Song of Cheerfulness" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, January 17, 1989

    Newton, Massachusetts

    Poem, published in "Like Water Poured into Water" Satdharma Press 2006.
    Photo 1989-1990
    Place and photographer unknown,

  139. "Black and Tan" unpublished poem

    Written for Adana and Jon Barbieri

    "Black and Tan" Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 03, 1989

    Newport, Rhode Island

    Written for Adana and Jon Barbieri. unpublished, unedited
  140. Four Calligraphies

    The first and last below were executed at Shantigar, circa 1989-1990. The Dragon and Harmony calligraphies' place and date of execution are unknown.

    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 01, 1990

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    Date is approximate
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 07, 1990

    Courtesy Dr. Joseph Parent, date is approximate
    Vajrayogini Abstract
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 07, 1990

    Shantigar, Ojai, California circa 1989-1990

    Date is approximate.
    Harmony is Fearlessness
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,


  141. Barbecue Talk and Toast to the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, video, audio and transcript

    Before the Vajra Regent entered retreat in 1990 he hosted a western-style barbecue for the sangha at Shantigar, his seat in Ojai, California, video of the talk, audio and transcript of the toast.

    Toast to the Vidyadhara
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 10, 1990

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    Barbecue Talk, "About the Belt"
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 10, 1990

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    Barbecue Toast to the Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 10, 1990

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    Barbecue "About the Belt" Transcript Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, April 10, 1990

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

  142. Photos from Shantigar 1989-1990

    Holding Julian
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

    Shantighar, Ojai, California

    Photo Lourdes Alvarez, May 01, 1990

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    date approximate
    Photo Lourdes Alvarez, May 01, 1990

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    date approximate
    New Year's Eve, reading from "First Thought, Best Thought."
    Photo Nina Toumanoff, December 31, 1989

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    New Year's Eve Toast
    Photo Nina Toumanoff,

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

  143. Parinirvana

    The Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin died in San Francisco at Pacific Presbyterian Hospital this day. The transcripts below describe the care and extraordinary experience of the Vajra Regent's dying process by his dharma heir Patrick Sweeney Trimé Lhawang, as well as other lineage teachers who came in support, and a description by the Dorje Loppon Lodro Dorje of his own experience of the samadhi (meditative state) after his death, along with reflections on it's meaning, especially for vajrayana practitioners. Lastly, Lama Lodru's video interview describes his own experience and its ongoing inspiration for him and his students. There is a movie of slides from the cremation ceremony, a separate photo of the double rainbow that spontaneously appeared during the cremation, and another taken during the Vajra Regent's samadhi.

    Interview with Lama Lodru
    Lama Lodru, May 05, 2012

    Burnaby, BC

    Lama Lodru discusses his experiences of this event as an essential teaching for students of the Kagyü Lineage in the West.
    Slides of the Cremation Ceremony
    Photographer Marvin Moore, Used by permission, September 01, 1990

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    Video of moments from the Cremation Ceremony
    Julie DuBose, September 01, 1990

    Rocky mountain Dharma Center

    Julie DuBose was at the Cremation of the Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin. Although she had two small children with her along with her husband Scott Forbes, she managed to videotape some of the moments of the cremation, including Karl Springer reading a letter from H. E. Jamgon Kontrul, Rinpoche . Most remarkably, she caught some wonderful clear moments of the thunderstorm and rainbows that occurred, with live commentary.
    2011 parinirvana talk excerpt Patrick Sweeney Trimé Lhawang, August 27, 2011

    Pullahari Retreat Center

    A description of the process and experience of the Vajra Regent's death and samadhi by his main student and dharma heir.
    CARRYING THE STREAM OF PRACTICE AT THE TIME OF DEATH: Reflections on the Samadhi of the Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin Dorje Loppon Lodro Dorje, August 31, 1990

    Photo Michael Rich, September 01, 1990

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

    A recollection:

    "At the Regent’s cremation, I was on duty with Lady Rich as her kusung. After the fire in the purkhang had been lit, the weather was dismal. There were black clouds and it was pouring rain.

    I asked the other kusung to take over and I went behind the head tent and stood in the rain waiting for a rainbow. I just knew there would be one.

    Right on cue, the clouds parted enough and the most brilliant full rainbow I’ve ever seen occurred with a full secondary rainbow. The colours were so intense, that the first primary colours (red, orange and yellow) duplicated themselves on the outside of the primary rainbow.

    I went to the front of the tent, told Lady Rich and we went to the back and raised the back wall so all the dignitaries in the tent could see it."

    Jason Parkhill
    Kudung whole room view
    Photo David Sanford, September 01, 1990

    San Francisco Dharmadhatu

    date approximate
  144. Supplication for the Rebirth of Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin

    Lady Lila Rich

    Rebirth Supplication Lady Lila Rich, August 30, 1990

  145. Cremation Film

    This film covers the event of the Vajra Regent’s cremation at Rocky Mountain Dharma Center in Colorado, on September 1, 1990.
    Rediscovered footage taken by filmmaker Johanna Demetrakas has been curated and edited by Avilda Moses and filmmaker Bruce Spears.
    Includes discussion of the Vajra Regent’s samadhi and life. 34 minutes.

    Film of the Cremation of the Vajra Regent
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 25, 2024

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center

    For the best viewing experience please use Google Chrome
  146. Informal Photos

    Date Unknown

    T-shirt, luminous
    Photo Allyn Lyon,

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    Luminous with Smile
    Photo Allyn Lyon,

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

  147. V. V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche Talk at Shantigar, audio, transcript and photo

    In 1995 Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche visited the Ojai sangha at Shantigar, Ojai, California, There he gave the Cakrasamvara Abisheka to senior students.

    Afterwords there were several days of small group discussions and lunches while the practice instructions were given.

    The day after that he gave a community talk articulating his view of the Vidyadhara's significance and legacy, the Vajra Regent's particular importance in that, and why it was essential to continue to preserve and share the Vajra Regent's teachings.

    The Vajra Regent's Library and Archives and this Timeline are the result of many students' devotion. This particular talk was a vital inspiration and catalyst.

    The Legacy of Vidyahara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin V. V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, September 18, 1995

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    V. V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche Talk at Shantigar, Audio
    V.V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, September 18, 1995

    Shantigar, Oaji, California

    V.V. Thrangu Rinpoche in Ojai
    Photo Ladye Eugenia Stewart, May 18, 1995

    Shantigar, Ojai, California

    date is approximate

    Written by By Her Eminence Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, in the 1990's, at the request of Mary Bartley, in Toronto, Ontario.

    SUPPLICATION TO THE ROOT GURU, SHOWER OF BLESSINGS Her Eminence Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, September 19, 1998

    Toronto, Ontario

  149. "Ask the Vajra Regent," 20th Year Parinirvana Anniversary Commemoration Video

    'Ask the Vajra Regent'
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 25, 2010

    Questions and Answers
  150. "Questions, Answers, Excerpts" - 25th Year Parinirvana Anniversary Commemoration Video

    A video compilation of talk excerpts and extended exchanges with students.

    25th parinirvana commemoration compilation video
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,

  151. 2022 Shambhala Day Morning - on Zoom

    An address by Lady Rich and the first half of the "Ask the Vajra Regent" Q & A compilation

    Shambhala Day Morning Zoom
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, Lady Rich and Sangha, March 03, 2022

    All over

  152. After Shambhala Day 2022 Social gathering - on Zoom

    Toasts, personal recollections and the second half of the "Ask the Vajra Regent" Q & A compilation

    After Shambhala Day 2022 Social Zoom meeting
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin and Sangha, March 05, 2022

    All over

  153. Meditation Instruction by Lila Rich

    Coming Soon.

  154. Poem for parinirvana

    Offered by Randy Sunday

    Poem for parinirvana 2022 Randy Sunday, August 27, 2022

    Santa Barbara, California

  155. Radiating Confidence Book Class with Lady Lila Rich

    Recordings of six classes given on Zoom on the Vajra Regent's book

    Radiating Confidence Book Class 1
    Lady Lila Rich, October 09, 2022

    Boulder, Colorado, Online

    Radiating Confidence Book Class 2
    Lady Lila Rich, October 16, 2022

    Boulder, Colorado Online

    Radiating Confidence Book Class 3
    Lady Lila Rich, October 23, 2022

    Boulder, Colorado, Online

    Radiating Confidence Book Class 4
    Lady Lila Rich, October 29, 2022

    Boulder, Colorado, Online

    Radiating Confidence Book Class 5
    Lady Lila Rich, November 06, 2022

    Boulder, Colorado, Online

    Radiating Confidence Book Class 6
    Lady Lila Rich, November 13, 2022

    Boulder, Colorado Online

  156. Sukhavati for Donn B. Tatum

    A patron and close friend of the Vajra Regent and the Library and Archives

    Sukhavati for Donn B. Tatum
    Led by Lady Lila Rich and Randy Sunday, November 19, 2022

    Santa Barbara, Ca Online

  157. Shambhala Day Evening Event 2023

    An edited video of a talk from 1976, the last talk from the "Delivering Buddha into Your Palm " seminar, reading of poems, and recollections

    Shambhala Day Evening Event 2023
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin,


  158. 2023 - 33th Parinirvana Commemoration Online Celebration Video - Parts 1 and 2

    Online, August 25th and 26th, 2023

    2023 - 33th Parinirvana Commemoration Online Celebration Video - Part 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 25, 2023

    Online, with Lady Lila Rich and Joseph Parent

    2023 - 33th Parinirvana Commemoration Online Celebration Video - Part 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 26, 2023

    Online, with Lady Lila RIch and Joseph Parent

  159. "Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self," an online class led by Michael Rich

    An Online class led by Michael Rich, including the audio of the Talk section of each of the sessions in the Vajra Regent's original seminar from 1982. There are three classes.

    Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self online class 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 22, 2023

    Online, led by Michael Rich

    Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self online class 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, October 29, 2023

    Online, led by Michael Rich

    Generosity: Transcending the Boundaries of Self online class 3
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, November 06, 2023

    Online, led by Michael Rich

  160. 2023-12-03 Primordial Confidence Class

    An online class of two sessions led by Lady Lila Rich using the two talks given in Chicago in 1987

    2023-12-03 Primordial Confidence Class 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 03, 2023


    Online, led by Lady Lila Rich
    2023-12-03 Primordial Confidence Class 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, December 10, 2023

    Online, Led by Lady Lila Rich

  161. Shambhala Day Celebration 2024

    Morning and evening session online gatherings, with video excerpts from the "Realizing Enlightened Society " Seminar given by the Vajra Regent in May 1986. Also includes a presentation by Lady Lila Rich, poetry readings and personal recollections

    Shambhala Day Celebration 2024 Morning Session
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 10, 2024


    Shambhala Day Celebration 2024 Evening Session
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, February 10, 2024


  162. Peace and Clarity: Two Stages of Meditation Class

    Two classes led by Lady Lila Rich and Robert Walker, online

    Peace and Clarity: Two Stages of Meditation Class 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 17, 2024

    Online, led by Lady Lila Rich and Robert Walker

    Peace and Clarity: Two Stages of Meditation Class 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, March 24, 2024

    Online, led by Lady L:ila Rich and Robert Walker

  163. Discipline on the Path of Enlightenment, an online class

    On the "Discipline" Seminar from 1988. Two classes led by Michael Rich

    Discipline on the Path of Enlightenment, Class 1
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 02, 2024


    Led by Michael Rich
    Discipline on the Path of Enlightenment, Class 2
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, June 09, 2024


    Led by Michael Rich
  164. Empowerment Commemoration 2024

    In the 34th year since the Empowerment of Thomas Rich as the Vajra Regent, Sangha gathered at the Boulder Shambhala Center and online to celebrate and reflect. Led by Lady Lila Rich, there was a morning and afternoon session followed by a reception. The sessions include video of talks 1 and 2 from the "Mahamudra Lineage" Seminar given in Los Angeles in 1988, reflections by Lady Rich, readings, practice of the Sadhana of Mahamudra, and a slide show of photos from the Empowerment with audio of the the Vidyadhara's introduction to the ceremony.

    Empowerment Commemoration 2024 Morning Session
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 22, 2024

    Boulder Shambhala Center and Online

    Opening Chants, Lhasang and address by Lady Lila Rich, video of Talk 1 from the"Mahamudra Lineage" Seminar given in Los Angeles in 1988, readings and reflections
  165. 34th Parinirvana Commemoration 2024

    Opening chants and address by Lady Lila Rich, re-taking of Bodhisattva Vows along with the 1988 Vow Ceremony video, and the practice of a Guru Yoga for the Vajra Regent written by the Venerable Khandro Rinpoche as well as readings and recollections in the first session. In the second session a movie made from cremation footage taken by Johanna Demetrakis and produced and edited by Avilda Moses and Bruce Spears is shown for the first time, as well as toasts and recollections.

    34th Parinirvana Commemoration 2024 Morning Session
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 25, 2024


    34th Parinirvana Commemoration 2024 Afternoon Session
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 25, 2024


    Introduction, premier and discussion of the movie of the Cremation of the Vajra Regent produced by Avilda Moses and Bruce Spears from footage shot by Johanna Demetrakis in 1990.
  166. Cremation Film

    This film covers the event of the Vajra Regent’s cremation at Rocky Mountain Dharma Center in Colorado, on September 1, 1990.
    Rediscovered footage taken by filmmaker Johanna Demetrakas has been curated and edited by Avilda Moses and filmmaker Bruce Spears.
    Includes discussion of the Vajra Regent’s samadhi and life. 34 minutes.

    Film of the Cremation of the Vajra Regent
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 25, 2024

    Rocky Mountain Dharma Center

    For the best viewing experience please use Google Chrome
  167. Namthar: a brief biography of the Vajra Regent's spiritual life

    Extended Biography Compiled by Joseph Parent, May 01, 2000

    Ojai, California

    Date is approximate
    Empowerment Commemoration 2024 Afternoon Session
    Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin, August 22, 2024

    Boulder Shambhala Center and Online

    Opening Remarks by Lady Lila Rich, empowerment photos with audio of the Vidyadhara's address at the ceremony, Sadhana of Mahamudra Practice, and talk 2 of the "Mahamudra Lineage" seminar.
  168. Photo

    During a Talk at Karmê Chöling

    Karmê Chöling, Barnet, Vermont